Little Blossoms Childcare
Infants (6 Weeks - 18 Months)
During the early years, infants are learning to trust their world, actively explore their environment, and do things for themselves. Staff show respect for children and interact with them in caring ways. They plan activities and interchanges with the infants each day, centering on daily routines such as morning and evening transitions, diapering, feeding, and napping. They also introduce infants to a variety of activities including art, tummy time, guided play, stories, singing, exploring and more. The infant schedule is an extension of home care. Parents set the nap schedule and feeding routine. Diapers are changed every two hours unless needed prior.
Infant Schedule
6:00-9:00 Breakfast & Free Play
9:00-10:00 Play Time
10:00-11:00 Story Time
11:00-12:00 Lunch
12:00-1:00 Music & Finger Plays
1:00-2:00 Large Motor
2:00-2:30 Snack
2:30-3:00 Sign Language
3:00-4:00 Activity Time
4:00-5:00 Fine Motor
5:00-6:00 Free Play